What's the difference between 50D woven labels and 100D woven labels?,Woven label
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What's the difference between 50D woven labels and 100D woven labels?

Written By Manager

50 denier woven labels letter and details more clear than 100 denier woven labels. Make your product more high-end!
Igingle common type of woven labels are 100% damask woven polyester. There are two different quality labels popular all over the world. 100 denier damask and 50 denier damask. Denier mean the thickness of the labels thread. 50 denier can weave more detail and has more softer feel. For high-end clothing 50 denier Damask Woven Labels will be your best choose. All the woven labels in our shop are of 50 denier quality. And price is so nice !
Here are the comparison pictures

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