How many kinds of fold for woven label, cut method of the clothing labels, introduce folded for clothing labels,Woven label
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How many kinds of fold for woven label, cut method of the clothing labels, introduce folded for clothing labels

Written By Manager
There are may ways to fold woven labels. Most customer understand those folding ways incorrectly or confusingly.
Igingle will give the detailed introduction to the most common folding ways on the market.

Straight Cut
A straight cut label has no fold at all and can be sewn just about anywhere on a garment. Typically a straight cut label is sewn on all four sides, however it can also be sewn on only the left and right sides, or top of the label because all edges have been heat sealed to prevent fraying.
Iron on backing and adhesive (peel off) backing can only be achieved in straight cut labels. This is the most common way to do for woven labels.

End Fold 
An end fold woven label provides an elegant way to add a branding label that does not need to be sewn into a seam. The end folds eliminate the corners of the label for a soft, itch-free result. Wide and skinny is the most common shape for an end fold woven label.

Center Fold 
Center Fold woven labels are creased in the center and sewn into a seam. The crease in the center helps the label lie flat and simple care and content information can be included on the back of the label to serve dual purposes, if desired. Sometimes referred to as loop labels as well, however, loop labels do not have a firm center crease.

Mitre Fold  
A mitre fold woven label has each end folded up, creating two tabs that can be sewn into a seam. After applied, the label hangs down on the tabs and can double as a hook loop. Mitre folds labels work best with a short and wide logo.

Manhattan Fold 
Manhattan fold woven labels are almost exclusively used for hem tags. The extra fold on the top edge eliminates exposed corners, for the cleanest look and softest feel. The fold in the center can be creased or looped, depending on the thickness of the fabric.

Bookcover Fold
This folding way is similar to Manhatton fold. The main difference is that bookcover fold has a seam allowance on both sides, and seam allowance needs to be folded. Book cover fold is often used for hem tags, beanie label and other products. It is called bookcover fold because it is like the folding of the book.
Loop Fold
Many customers may feel confused towards center fold and loop fold, and there were examples someone asked for center fold but told us do loop fold.
To avoid unnecessary disputes,Uimages defaluted what customer want as loop fold with center fold. Unless you told us you don't need center fold,than we will only do loop fold.

A Roll
A Roll for woven tape, like a ribbon tape.   

If you have any questions or need any help please contact us. Looking forward to your email.

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