What's the different letter effect between embroidery keychain and woven keychain?,Embroidery keychain
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What's the different letter effect between embroidery keychain and woven keychain?

Written By Manager
Before understanding the difference between the embroidery keychain and the woven keychain. You must understand the difference between the embroidery process and the woven process.
Embroidery Process Woven Process
The embroidery process is to embroider the thread on the fabric. The fabric is the foundation and the thread is patterned.
The woven process is to weave the thread into a fabric with various patterns.
So they are completely different processes.

The embroidery keychain is made by the embroidery process. It is the thicker, harder keychain. But its disadvantage is that it can't be clearly expressed on fine patterns. Especially the text. When the client's text height is less than 3 mm, the effect of text embroidery is particularly poor. The color of the design can be up to 12 colors.

The woven keychain is made by weaving. It is softer than the embroidered keychain, and the color is not as bright as embroidering. However, the advantage of the weaving keychain is very obvious. It can produce very fine patterns and accepts very small text. And the text is made clearly visible and read. Color can be up to 8 colors. text height 1.8mm.

Many customers like to do remove before flight keychain. Most customers prefer to make embroidery keychains. There are also a few customers who do the weaving keychain. But the pattern is too complicated, we would recommend the customer to make the woven keychain.


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